✏️Routing Forms/Event Routing
Further dicussions would happen on RFC and once we ship it, it would have final implementation details
Why Routing Forms
Types of Routing
Route to particular cal link.
Route to booking with a particular member of a team event that's the best match. It can be like a new addition to Scheduling Type options (Collective, Round Robin) - Calendly doesn't seem to have it.
Route to external URL e.g. if requirements for a meeting don’t meet
Route to a Page with a custom message e.g. Thank you for your interest but we aren't ready to serve you yet.
Support in both embed and direct Cal link.
Enrich using the data directly provided by the user or any plugin(e.g. in embed there can be a plugin that can use the data available to the website about the user) and then use the data to decide which team member to route to.
Duplicate a Routing Form
Export Results
As there would be more data that can be useful for the organizer to learn about the booker before the meeting, this is important.
Questions can be marked required/optional
Do we use the private URL for it or make it work directly with the public Cal Link ?
MoM 12th May
Ciaran to check Calendly and Deel to understand what should be our MVP
Calendly is more custom and doesn't consider Calendly Team Member attributes
Last updated